IGNOU MEC Books Pdf – If you want IGNOU MEC Books Pdf Download Link, then you are at the right page and we will also give you the direct link to download IGNOU MEC Solved Assignment Pdf, IGNOU MEC Solved Guess Paper Pdf & IGNOU MEC Previous Years Solved Question Paper Pdf. Above all, we will also familiar you with some information regarding the Syllabus of IGNOU MEC Books Pdf.
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Syllabus of IGNOU MEC Books Pdf
MEC-101: Micro Economic Analysis
Individuals, firms, and markets all have economic behaviour that is studied in this course. Its main goal is to provide students with a rigorous and comprehensive understanding of many aspects of consumer behaviour and demand analysis, production theory and cost behaviour, conventional market theory, and firm equilibrium in a modern non-profit maximising framework. The micro and macro theories of distribution, welfare economics, general equilibrium in closed and open systems, and analysis of economic behaviour under uncertainty are all covered in the course.
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MEC-002: Macroeconomic Analysis
Macroeconomics, often known as aggregative economics, studies and develops the functional relationship between different levels of the economy. Aggregative analysis has become so important in recent years that a prior understanding of macroeconomic theoretical structure is now deemed necessary for comprehending various issues and strategies. Macroeconomics is currently a body of factual economic knowledge as well as a scientific method of analysis. The course prepares postgraduate students to understand systemic facts and theoretical advancements in order to conduct empirical analysis.
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MEC-103: Quantitative Methods
The course’s major goal is to teach students how to apply mathematical and statistical analysis techniques that are routinely used to understand and analyse economic problems. The focus of the course is on using mathematical approaches to comprehend economic issues rather than mastering mathematics itself. As a result, a student will be introduced to a variety of economic issues that can be treated mathematically in this course. The course also covers basic tools and procedures that can aid a student in data gathering, presentation, analysis, and inferring conclusions from various statistical hypotheses.
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MEC-004: Economics of Growth and Development
The study of economic development has gained prominence as a result of developing countries’ continued interest in improving their economic situations by reorganising their economies to achieve greater diversity, efficiency, and equity in accordance with their priorities. While there are few success stories, many have struggled with long-term issues such as a limited economic basis, inefficiencies, and a low level of living. Many approaches to economic development have been developed for this and other reasons. In recent years, issues that were formerly put to the background, such as education, health, sanitation, and infrastructure development, have found a position of pride in explaining the choice for diverse economies.
Theories of growth and development, social and institutional dimensions of development, the role of agriculture, and the logic and pattern of industrialisation in emerging nations are all covered in the course. Infrastructure-linkages, the significance of international commerce, the importance of domestic macroeconomic policies, investment criteria, and the relevance of planning are among the other essential aspects in the context of development that have been covered in the units.
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MEC-105: Indian Economic Policy
This course provides an analytical framework for formulating and implementing Indian economic policy. Indian economic policy has an impact on the economy, which is in turn influenced by the environment. The current course has looked at this two-way relationship. We’d give a comprehensive approach to several facets of policymaking. Three major economic policy instruments have been discussed in the context of Indian economic development over the last six decades: Monetary and Credit Policy, Fiscal Policy, Trade Policy, and at the sectoral level, Agricultural Policy, Industrial Policy, and Policies relating to the services sector. Economic policies have also been analysed in terms of monitoring and execution.
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MEC-106: Public Economics
The goal of the course is to give students a knowledge of the ideas that control the flow of goods, services, and capital across national borders. While familiarising students with these doctrines and their limits, the course’s content is divided into distinct modules, with a focus on the theoretical foundations of trade theory, which will aid in assessing the impact of such theories on national and international trade policy. At a macro level, the course also gives a sense of the welfare implications of these trade policies. It will also address issues such as the allocation of trade profits between the North and South, with a focus on India. As the globe goes forward in the twenty-first century, the study of international commerce and finance in this course aims to familiarise students with the potential repercussions of globalisation on income, employment, and social standards, as well as viable legislative responses.
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MEC-007: International Trade and Finance
The goal of the course is to give students a knowledge of the ideas that control the flow of goods, services, and capital across national borders. While familiarising students with these doctrines and their limits, the course’s content is divided into distinct modules, with a focus on the theoretical foundations of trade theory, which will aid in assessing the impact of such theories on national and international trade policy. At a macro level, the course also gives a sense of the welfare implications of these trade policies. It will also address issues such as the allocation of trade profits between the North and South, with a focus on India. As the globe goes forward in the twenty-first century, the study of international commerce and finance in this course aims to familiarise students with the potential repercussions of globalisation on income, employment, and social standards, as well as viable legislative responses.
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MEC-108: Economics of Social Sector and Environment
The goal of the course is to give students an understanding of how economic theory may be used to plan and implement public policy in the environmental and social sectors. Welfare economics, national income accounting, macroeconomic policy, and trade and development are all covered in this course.
The course includes units on environmental economics, environmental and social services, and the difficulty of valuing these services, as well as the design of instruments and organisations for environmental management. The course also covers models for optimal use of natural resources, macroeconomic challenges, sustainable development, environmental resource problems in India, and health and education economics.
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MEC-109: Research Methods in Economics
After completing their Master’s degree in Economics, many post-graduate students plan to pursue a research degree programme. This course will be an attempt to instil such a skill in them. The course’s goal is to provide students with the research methods that are used in conducting economics research projects and programmes. This course will introduce and familiarise students with research methodology, research design, and data collection and data analysis concerns and perspectives.
Monomethods and Mixed Methodology are the two main categories of research methods. Within Mono Methods, there are two types of methods: quantitative and qualitative.
Mixed methods research combines at least one qualitative and at least one quantitative component in a single research study/project on Program. Efforts have been made to cover both quantitative and qualitative research methodologies in order to provide a fair treatment. Knowledge of quantitative and qualitative methodologies is supposed to better equip students to conduct research investigations in a more realistic manner.
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MECP-101: Project Work
MECP-001: Project Work is an option for students in the MA (Economics) programme. The evaluation is based on the submission of a Project Report and a viva voce examination of the submitted project report. MECP-101 does not have an assignment.
The student is required to do extensive research on a topic and demonstrate his or her analytical and presentation abilities. As a result, the project report topic should be specific. The project report should be between 15,000 and 20,000 words long (about 50-60 pages), double spaced. Students are given a Project Guide as well as study materials to assist them in producing the Project Report.
For the creation of the Project Report, you can have a supervisor from the Academic Counsellors of MEC courses at the Study Centre or a faculty member of a Research Institute active in research activity. The student will work with the supervisor to prepare a Project Proposal that will be approved by the faculty at the Headquarters. The Programme Coordinator, MECP-101 course, School of Social Sciences, IGNOU, New Delhi, receives the Project Proposal, which has been approved by the supervisor. The Student Evaluation Division will not accept a project report without a supervisor or without the proposal being approved by the Faculty of Economics at IGNOU Headquarters.
The Project Proposal should be emailed to ‘The Course Coordinator, MECP-101 Course, Block F, School of Social Science, IGNOU Campus, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi 110068 for approval before writing the Project Report. The Project Guide includes a proforma for submitting a Project Proposal.
When the project report is finished, send it to the Registrar Student Evaluation Division, IGNOU, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-68 for review. The completed project report should not be delivered to the Faculty of Economics’ Course Coordinator.
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MECE-001: Econometric Methods
Economic theory applications necessitate a fair comprehension of economic linkages as well as applicable statistics tools. As a result, econometric theory becomes a useful instrument for understanding applied economic linkages and conducting significant economic research.
As a result, the course focuses on providing students with a foundation in econometric theory as well as practical applications of the methodologies. The course covers a variety of issues that arise in the estimation of single equation and simultaneous equation models. The course also covers a variety of econometric methodologies that can be used to a variety of economic themes as well as those required for practical economic research. The learner must have a solid understanding of calculus in order to complete the course.
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MECE-003: Actuarial Economics: Theory and Practice
The course teaches the fundamental actuarial techniques that are utilised in the insurance industry. It offers methodologies derived from statistics and financial mathematics, as well as economic theory insights, in order to prepare students for insurance operations. The learner must have a solid understanding of quantitative methodologies in order to complete the course.
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MECE-004: Financial Institutions and Markets
The beneficial and significant role of financial institutions in the process of growth and development has long been recognised in the literature and has become even more so over the last two decades as the financial systems of various countries became integrated through the process of globalisation. India is no exception, having taken far-reaching efforts in this area since 1991. Students of economics must therefore be well-versed in the theory and practise of various financial institutions and markets in order to comprehend and analyse the interconnection between monetary and real forces, their developmental role, and limitations in shaping and influencing monetary and related policies at both the national and international levels.
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